Santa Fe C44-9W "Double Stack" Train |
Welcome to my first blog for the Needles Division of the Santa Fe RR in N Scale. My railroad has been "finished" for the most part since 2001, You can find a five page article in Sept 2002 Model Railroader Magazine if you would like to familiar yourselves with my railroad. I know modelers never throw out magazines.
I model two different time periods. It might be June 30, 1954, or may end up being June 30, 1981. In will in time explain why chose those two time periods. I also have some Super Fleet locos which are currently leading double stacks on the layout. This summer on my layout, I have a potpourri of different Santa Fe prototypes over four decades which make for some interesting videos.
A video of this train can be found can be found on You Tube at: