This week I would like to show you the Logic Rail Technologies Infrared Block Animator. On my layout, the infrared detector is the best block animator as it eliminates the problem with direct and/or indirect lighting. I am using this detector with the new Tomar searchlights. I have installed 11 different blocks successfully and they work perfectly. The only problem I had initially was how to hook up the lights, a problem solved with help from Chuck Stancil at Logic Rail.
The above information is directly from the instruction sheets and highlight the aspects of the BA-1-IR detector. The highlights are the bi-directional control of two blocks and the ability to work with various manufacturers and types of signals, yellow delay, and no modifications to track, rolling stock, or motive power.
I used the Tomar N-872 signal searchlight and the N-873 dual searchlight with the BA-1-IR. Chuck informed me that the Tomar searchlight is a "classic searchlight signal which uses a single bipolar LED within the signal head..." He also stated that the "BA-1-IR will create yellow by blending the red and green LED's. It does this electronically within the board itself". Magic!
I was initially confused as to how to hook up the Tomar searchlight to the BA. However, Chuck Stancil at Rail Logic was happy to help with the wiring. He told me to refer to Figure 1b in the instructions, as I was unable to figure which illustration would work with the Tomar signal. Thank you very much, Chuck!
There are two ways to make the connection, with this illustrating using just one resistor (supplied with the BA). Although the label says black wire, it could also be a blue wire. Whichever, it is the common.
This is the method I used, using a resistor on each of the leads, again with the same resistors supplied with the BA-1-IR. Make sure your wiring is done with care. If an LED's green or red is not functioning correctly, recheck your wiring. It happened to me, where a green diode was barely lit. I rewired, and it came to a full bright light.
In my next blog, I will cover wiring of the infrared emitters and detectors.