Close up of mild weathering on FP45 5942. Santa Fe had nine of the fifteen FP45's manufactured by the Electro Motive Division of General Motors. The Milwaukee Road bought the other six.
F89-J flat car by BLMA. On board is a Penn Central 40' trailer and an American President Lines exterior post 40 footer. |
Santa Fe drop frame trailer (TWX) and 40 custom painted/decaled Burlington trailer (MT)' |
This F89-J sports the original brown with white lettering scheme of the 60's. Santa Fe "Piggy-Back service" scheme originated in the late 60's, as did the B&O paint scheme.
Custom painted and decaled 45' Transamerica trailer (MT) and 40 foot exterior post Santa Fe trailer from Athearn. |
Micro Trains 45' Western pacific trailer and Athearn 40' Trailer Rail Service, sporting red undercarriage and red wheelsets. |
A couple of Santa Fe 40' cars from Trainworx. The white trailer is refrigerated, with mechanical equipment and fuel tank attached to the undercarriage. |
TWX Western Pacific drop frame trailer and Athearn SF 40 footer
MT 45 ft. Chicago and Northwestern trailer and a beautiful TWX Pacific Fruit Express refrigerated trailer. The flat is the final F89-J in this train.