Thursday, August 29, 2019

1981 N Scale Auto Rack led by SD40-2 5040

 Four EMD units lead this westbound Auto Rack train, probably train #678 from Tulsa and Memphis.  The units are SD40-2's 5040 and "snoot" 5026, FP45 5941, and F45 5938.

Three Red Caboose (now Intermountain Rwy) Bi Level auto racks are right behind the four locomotives.  These units have been previously covered in my 9/16/13 blog on auto racks led by GP38 3532.
This is Athearn's latest release, a triple deck open sided auto carrier, manufactured sometime in the 1960's.  I inserted this picture as a contrast to my modified auto racks as they would have looked like in 1981

Micro Trains ATSF triple deck "Autoveyor".  The name did not catch on in the industry. I added the side panels.

Northern Pacific triple deck auto rack recently released by Athearn.  All my open sided auto racks have been modified with aluminum side panels in the 70's and early 80's.

Athearn Frisco auto rack.  All of my auto racks are carrying new Chevrolet Impalas manufactured by Classic Metal Works.

Seabord Coast Lines 3 deck auto rack. Notice that the side panels are of different heights on many of my auto racks.

Missouri Pacific auto rack by Athearn. The autos on the lower decks are Toyotas by Kato.

The plastic Toyotas are necessary because using all CMW Impalas, the units become very top heavy and tend to topple on super elevated curves.

Another MT triple deck loaded with Impalas (supposedly).

Double deck Southern railway as built by Athearn but weathered by yours truly.

Seaboard auto rack specifically designed for truck transportation.

Wabash auto rack filled with eight Ford pick up trucks by Atlas.
Though made as 1971 trucks, they can easily pass for 1981 trucks. 

The side panels are actually plastic. Look at the end of this blog for information on where to get the plastic.

Illinois Central

Rock Island

Northern Pacific

Special limited run Erie Lackawanna from MT.
These sheets are available from JTT Architectural.  I got mine on Ebay.

For a video of this train:


Thanks for your interest!