Fe C30-7 leading a eastbound manifest freight. In 1976, GE C30-7
was introduced as the successor to the U30C locomotive and contained several
internal and external design changes. With 16 cylinders and 3000 h.p.,
this model was GE's challenge to the EMD SD40-2. Between 1977 and 1982,
Santa Fe purchased 157 of these units.
SD45-2 number 5661 is a 3600 h.p., 20 cylinder locomotive, representing the
highest horsepower of any regular production locomotive in the 1970's.
That's 20 diesel cylinders at 645 cubic inches each. (Today's current V-8
gasoline engines run about 300 cubic inches total.) the diesel engine
provided power to run the six electric motors, mounted one per each
axle. In reality, these locomotives are diesel electric
locomotives. Santa Fe owned 90 of these locomotives.
SD45 from Kato, custom painted with typical cab roof additions. 5430
had an interesting history, as the original 20 cylinder 3600 hp engine was
replaced by a 645F3 16 cylinder engine rated at 3500 hp. It is
essentially a SD40 in a SD45 carbody. This was done to 12 different
units as an experiment to overcome the "quirky" 20 cylinder 645E3
engines. This experiment proved to be too expensive to repeat on
further units.
5924 is a custom model, kit bashed from a Kato SD45 frame and a JnJ body
shell. Construction methods were shown in a previous blogs. The 5924
has been recently repainted and had air conditioning installed along with a
Sinclair antennae.
Great Northern 6O ft. DD Box from MT Roof walk removed.
Union Pacific 60 ft. box weathered, from Micro Trains
Lightly weathered 86' Auto Parts box. Unknown manufacturer.
Rio Grande DD Waffle Box from MT
Union Pacific DD 60' Ribbed box. Rare paint scheme.
Very old Atlas NYC Auto Parts 86 footer. Heavily weathered.
UP heavily weathered 60 ft. box from MT.
Atlas GT Auto Parts 86' car. Heavily weathered.